
pr firm

How do you know that your PR firm is worth the money

To the chagrin of PR pros everywhere, there is no way to quantify the worth of solid PR representation. How do you place a value on a horrific story that didn’t run or was neutralized before hitting the wires? How do you measure the effectiveness of a PR crisis response? How many dollar signs does...
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Pay Transparency Law

Will Pay Transparency Law Lead to Greater Equity?

On September 17th New York State joined the City, Westchester County and Ithaca, along with 7 other states, and enacted a Pay Transparency Law.   The law will require that all companies and small businesses with 4 or more employees, make public in advertisements and job postings, compensation information for all positions within their respective business,...
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As the media landscape shifted from print column inches to bytes online, we have had to adjust to the new realities that paradoxically offer far more media outlets than when New York had 10 major English language dailies, three major TV networks, and half-dozen radio news broadcasters.  Breaking through the dissonance of voices can be...
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office space

Converting office space to housing

Adaptive reuse is not new. Warehouses and strip malls have been converted to housing for decades, providing new streams of revenue to struggling owners and refitting to the changing needs of communities.  With many employees still deciding to work remotely now that the pandemic lockdowns are a thing of the past, and the corporations enjoying...
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Stick to the truth!

Some years ago, (ok, more than some), a legendary reporter gave me the golden rules of reporting and writing.  It stayed with me for a long time.  “Be accurate and be interesting. That’s all you have to do,” the reporter, the legendary Mickey Carroll, then of the New York Times, told me.  There are writers in...
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